But when sadness, helplessness, hopelessness and worthlessness that lasts for several days to weeks and cause you can not make your normal activities and can not move normally, then this could be clinical depression.
This medical condition is not the same as ordinary depression, but it can be treated.
How do i know if i have depression?
According to the DSM-IV, the manual used to diagnose mental disorders, depression occurs when you have at least five of the following symptoms, at the same time:
- Feeling depressed most of the day, especially in the morning,
- Almost every day exhausted or lost energy.
- Almost every day feeling guilty or worthless
- Impaired concentration, indecision
- Almost every day have insomnia (inability / hard to sleep) or hypersomnia (excessive sleeping)
- Almost every day feel the loss of interest or pleasure in daily activities
- Repeatedly thinking about death or suicide. No fear of death
- uneasiness
- Reduction or significant weight gain.
Types of depression
There are several types of depression, among others:- Depression
- Chronic depression (dysthymia)
- Bipolar Depression
- Seasonal depression (seasonal affective disorder / SAD, ie seasonal affective disorder)
- Psychotic Depression
- Postpartum Depression
- Substance-induced mood disorder (SIMD) is a mood disorder results of the use of certain substances.
Another type of depression that can occur include:
- Double depression, a condition that occurs when a person with chronic depression (dysthymia) suffered severe depression
- Secondary depression, the depression that appears after the development of certain medical conditions, such as hypothyroidism, stroke, Parkinson's disease, or AIDS, or after psychiatric problems such as schizophrenia, panic disorder, or bulimia.
- Chronic treatment-resistant depression, a condition that lasted more than a year, and very difficult to treat with antidepressants and psychotherapy. For these cases, electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is usually the treatment option is used.
- Hidden depression, the depression is hiding behind physical complaints and can not find the cause of organic.
Signs and symptoms of depression
One major sign of depression is a mood / feeling of sadness or loss of interest in activities you normally enjoy.
To diagnose depression, the signs must be in all day or nearly every day for at least two weeks. In addition, depressive symptoms should cause profound distress or significant clinical disorder.
However, it should be noted that the clinical disorder is not due to a direct effect of certain substances, for example the treatment or drugs, and not the result of a medical condition, such as hypothyroidism.
Finally, symptoms that occur within two months of losing a loved one, is not considered as clinical depression.
Symptoms of Depression
According to the National Institute of Mental Health, United States, people who suffer from depression, do not experience the same symptoms.
So the severity, frequency and duration of depression will vary, depending on the individual and the cause.
The following are common symptoms of patients with depression:
- Difficulty concentrating, remembering details and making decisions
- Fatigue and reduced energy
- Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, and / or useless
- Feelings of hopelessness and / or pessimism
- Insomnia, waking up in the morning, or oversleeping
- Irritability, restlessness
- Loss of interest in activities or hobbies once favored, including sex
- Loss of pleasure in life
- Too much eating or loss of appetite
- Persistent aches or pains, headaches, cramps or digestive problems that do not diminish even with treatment
- Feeling sad, anxious, or "empty" settled
- Suicidal thinking or attempted suicide
It is estimated that by 2020, depression will be second only to ischemic heart disease, in which case the main cause of disability in the world.
People with depression sometimes fail to realize (or accept) that there is real cause for their depressed mood, so often, they search endlessly for external causal factors.
According to the National Institute of Mental Health, United States, there are approximately 14.8 million adults suffer from severe depression in the United States.
The risk of suicide in people with severe type of depression is the highest compared to other psychiatric conditions. Suicide is the third leading cause of death, in people between the ages of 10 and 24 years old.
Unfortunately, most people with clinical depression never seek treatment. Because undiagnosed and untreated, the depression can worsen, last for years and cause great suffering, and possibly suicidal.
Causes of depression
If you are depressed, it is not easy to determine the reason why. In most cases, depression is not caused by a single cause, but rather a combination of many factors: genetic, environmental, psychological, present circumstances, past history, and other risk factors.
Here are some factors that can lead to depression:
Although not known for certain, but there are differences in the neurotransmitter system between the depressed and non-depressed. There are some parts of the brain that does not work normally when depressed.
Depression can occur in families, which means that the tendency of depression can be lowered through the genetics / heredity.
Research shows that women are two times more depressed than men. No one knows for sure, but the hormonal changes that occur in women at many times in life can be a contributing factor.
Elderly people have a greater risk of depression. It can be caused by several other factors, such as living alone, lack of social support, and so forth.
Health condition
Conditions such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and other long-term chronic illnesses can cause depression. Other conditions such as sleep disorders can also bring depression.
Trauma and grief
-like Trauma after experiencing physical violence or mentally can trigger depression, whether it happened in the past or the present. Sadness can also cause depression. Feeling sad result left a friend or a loved one is a normal reaction, but in some people these events can bring depression.
Changes and pressures of life
No wonder why the events and stresses in life can trigger depression. For example, when facing divorce, dismissal, retirement, moving work / residence to the new place, social isolation, and others.
Alcohol and use of drugs
Many drugs can bring the symptoms of depression. Consuming alcohol and drug abuse are also common in people with depression, and the action is actually worsen the state of depression.
Causes of depression in women
Women, too busy you work sometimes will make you very tired. Your condition as it is one of the reasons why you are easily depressed when getting little pressure.
Sometimes you'll cry or even often angry if depression in yourself already achieve the highest limit.
Women are very susceptible to depression, especially when they are pregnant and when caring for the baby.
Attention is divided makes you very confused to perform the obligations you have. As reported by nimh.nih.gov, most likely, depression is caused by genetic factors, biological, environmental, and psychological.
Major depressive disorder is a brain disorder. Brain scan technology, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), suggests that the human brain with depression look different than normal.
Your brain condition will affect the mood, thinking, sleep, appetite, and behavior changes dramatically when you are depressed.
Several genetic studies indicate that the origin of depression also derived from the gene, for example, someone who is depressed often have a history of hypertension that can also be transmitted to their children.
In addition, trauma, loss of a loved one, a difficult relationship with a partner, or a stressful situation can trigger depression in your level. Another cause of depression may occur with or without any obvious trigger.
Well lady, perhaps by taking time off from work and using it for a vacation is the right way to reduce depression in you. Do not forget to rest enough so that your brain can rest well.
Causes of depression in teens
A doctor named Kathleen McCoy said that depression in teens is often not caused by one factor alone, it arises due to a combination of diverse factors that can cause stress.
What are they? Try to note several factors that cause depression in adolescents below!
Feelings of Loss
Death of parents is the main reason for a teenager to experience the feeling of loss that can trigger depression.
Not only the death of the parents, even the death of a pet can cause great despair. Yes, these things are kind of lost conspicuous.
Another example is the loss of a cozy atmosphere and a friend when they moved to another place or even while waiting for school graduation day.
Teens who have chronic illness, feel themselves different from their friends, and feeling ignored by people around him can also cause feelings of loss.
Things like that seems reasonable, but for those who experience it for the first time without any mental preparation course can lead to stress and depression.
Some teens may be sad, crying, and seemed to grieve over a long time. But, there are also teenagers who are able to adapt to this situation.
Family environment
Doctor Mark S. Gold said that children who experience maltreatment parents tend to experience depression, as well as at adolescents who have always criticized the parents for their weaknesses.
Depression is also common in children who are always pampered or treated too protective. Why? Because when they do not get what they want, this will lead to depression.
Doctor David G. Fassler explained how the family environment affects a teenager, he said the parents preoccupied with the debate, the needs of children are often overlooked.
Even children are often a pretext for a debate that parents but it's not the main problem. This causes the child to feel awkward, resentful, and angry.
If this tension continues over the child as a result of depression will increase.
Depression in children is not always because of the pattern of poor students parents, there are many other factors such as; malnutrition, substance abuse, toxins, sedation, and study limitations.
Body Imbalance Chemical Compounds
Mental health experts estimate that an imbalance of chemicals in the body that is experienced by some teens also cause depression.
This occurs when the incidence of traumatic events that trigger changes in brain chemistry. Depression can also be inherited by the parents, causing the child also experienced this.
Some parents may compare their lives with the child. They may feel life is heavier than the child. However, the fact is the current state is not the same as the past.
And competitive pressures of life must be faced by today's youth and will certainly increase the levels of stress in their brains. So you can understand the causes of depression in adolescents.
Causes of depression in children
Research at the University of Oregon in 2004 found that 28 percent of adolescents (aged 13-19 years) experienced at least one episode of major depression; three to seven per cent in children aged 13-15 years; and about one to two percent comes from children under the age of 13 years.
"Depression is a disorder feelings are settled and survive within a certain period. And the behavior of depressed children are different from adults. Not only sadness and anxiety, but also can be the behavior of hyperactive, impulsive, and inatensi, "said Dr. Ika Widyawati SpKJ (K), chairman of the Division of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Department of Faculty of medicine-RSCM.
Dr. Ika explained that there are factors that affect the onset of depression in children, such as biology, psychology, and the environment. These three things as a triad in mental disorders.
Biology: "Depression is associated with reduced levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin in the brain," said Dr. Ika. Besides children and adolescents with parental depression tended to four times more at risk of depression.
Psychology: "Most children with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) at high risk of experiencing depression. Usually children with ADHD labeled naughty, silly, often isolated environment, was not able to learn well and these things can lead to depression, "Obviously Dr. Ika.
This is reinforced by the statement Ingersoll and Goldstein, as many as 20-30 percent of children with depression are diagnosed with ADHD.
Environment: Depression may be a reaction to environmental stress, including trauma verbal, physical, or sexual abuse, death of a loved one, school problems, victims of persecution, or peer pressure. "Poor academic achievement, parental conflict, the presence of new members, even poverty can be a risk factor for the emergence of depression in children," said Dr. Ika
Causes of depression in psychology
People who have certain characteristics such as pessimism, low self-esteem, anxiety, hypersensitivity, fear of rejection, a sense of isolation from the others, a superiority and inferiority complex, and feelings of inadequacy, are prone to suffer from depression.
Some people are very dependent on others to meet their emotional needs. This causes them to develop high expectations of others.
When people can not meet these expectations, it will cause depression due to low self-esteem.
Irrational Thought
Due to an error in thinking like blame themselves for their misfortunes, and misrepresented any facts in a way that will further lower the esteem, people may be on the road to depression.
Errors in judgment and thinking make them to believe that their future will be negative resulting in depression.
People began to think that they can not control their environment and conditions, consider that they are intended to deal with the unfortunate and sad events throughout their lives.
It makes the mind to lead them to believe that there is nothing they can do to change their circumstances, which is why they do not make any effort to do so.
This leads to pessimism and apathy, and eventually depression.
Among some of the health problems caused by stress, depression is one of them. Emotional and physical stress eventually leads to a prolonged depression, because they feel powerless to deal with it.
How to overcome depression naturally
Some ways to overcome depression naturally can be done as one of the initial steps that may help the sufferer.

According to the Mayo Clinic, depression affects not only the body but also the mind and can interfere with daily activities in normal life.
Causes of depression are usually can occur for many reasons; whether it's because of social factors, laid off, cracks in the household, etc.
Depression may require more serious treatment and needed medical assistance and can also require long term care.
A sign of someone who is experiencing depression usually seen any significant effects and consequences that affect our daily lives.
The change of emotional, physical and mental fatigue can make a person unable to move to the maximum.
Sometimes the effects caused from depression can persist which may lead them out of school, losing a job, experiencing severe financial difficulties and tremendous life changes that will only add the negative effects and increase the sense of depression.
Many people use antidepressants to treat depression without the side effects of tau drugs consumed.
To avoid side effects that may be harmful, it is better to try several methods that you can try to relieve your depression without the use of drugs and without increasing the risk to your health. Some ways to overcome depression naturally are:
Overcoming depression with Exercising
In addition to many of the benefits of physical exercise, exercise can increase serotonin levels in the brain, and can affect mood.
You can do light exercise at home, every morning like morning walk, jog, or go to the gym several times a week.
Exercise for 30 minutes to an hour can bring more positive energy to you and over time you might notice improvement in your depression.
Overcoming depression with using aromatherapy
Aromatherapy has been used for hundreds of years since the ancient Egyptian culture.
Essential oils such as lavender or chamomile can be spread or sprayed into the air or rubbed on the wrist.
The fragrance of aromatherapy can provide a relaxing effect and make you become more relaxed so as to relieve the depression felt.
Overcoming depression with Meditation
Sit or lie down in a quiet, attractive and exhale in will help to calm your mind. This will allow you to focus on your mind so that eventually you can overcome the various problems you are facing with a calmer mind.
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Relaxation itself also helps to reduce the symptoms of depression.
Overcoming depression with Listening to music
According to the American Musical Therapy Association, listen to relaxing music for 20 minutes a day helps overcome depression.
Relaxation resulting from listening to soothing music can help you to go through a difficult problem. Music selection can also affect a person's mood.
how to cope with depression and stress If you have tried to do a variety of natural ways to reduce depression felt.
Now it is time to try to consult with a physician or other medical assistance that can help to overcome depression felt.
Depression can not be considered a trivial matter; most of the news about the artist or Korean actor died of suicide due to the depression they feel.
Therefore, to avoid things that are not desirable, there is no harm in seeking help from others to relieve depression.
Thus our article on Causes of depression and how to Overcome it, may be useful and broaden readers.
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