What is acne and causes (how to remove acne scars naturally)
Red and ripe! If for fruits still ok only. But for the state of acne. Ouch ...
who also wants. Writer remember in high school when someone is big breakouts
and gedhe-gedhe that galling is ribbing sighted friend who said the mountain
would erupt. Hmm ....
What is acne?
Is a chronic inflammation of the follicle pilocebaceous (one of the glands in
the skin), accompanied by the blockage and accumulation of keratin,
characterized by comedones,
pustules, nodules, and cysts.remove acne scars

Acne usually appears on the face, neck, shoulders, chest, back and shoulders, and sorry there is also in the buttocks area.
Acne is basically classified into two types:
1. Acne Without Pus
is a form of acne with a lot of blackheads without pus.
- Blackheads are clogged sebum clots in the channel pilosebaseus. There are two kinds, namely acne remedies
- Blackhead seen as black dots on the skin surface. Its surface is not covered by the epithelium of the skin.
- Whitehead sebum visible yellowish white beneath the surface of the skin. Its surface is covered in the epithelial layer of skin.
2. Acne accompanied Pus
These include pustules, cysts, abscesses etc.
What are the main factors causing acne?
- excessive production of oil glands (sebum) acne vulgaris
- exfoliation of dead skin unusual cause irritation of the hair follicles.
- The development of bacteria
Some other factors that trigger acne and exacerbate them are:
- hormonal changes in adolescents both male and female.
- Women and girls from two to seven days before menstruation.

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- Pregnant Women (hormonal problems).
- family or hereditary factors
- People who take medication that affects hormones.
- Factors fatty or spicy food effect on acne.
- Indigestion food (irregular sewage can affect acne.
- Allergies to certain foods.
- actions often picking or squeezing pimples may worsen acne.
- The use of cosmetic products which do not fit as cosmetics sticky on the skin will cause clogging of the pores of the skin and clog the oil glands.
- hot climate causes the oil glands to work more actively can aggravate acne.
- psychological disturbances such as stress when will the exam.
Although acne is not a serious medical condition, but you can do the treatment
if persistent acne prone skin in order to avoid the appearance of acne scars
niche on the surface of the skin. Another result is an aesthetic for beauty of
the skin.
What kind of treatment for Acne?
- Treatments for acne include
- Reducing oil production
- Accelerate the process of skin cell turnover
- Treat infections due to bacteria
- Reduce inflammation
- Perform together all four of the above.
Acne treatment can be done in various combinations depending on the case as follows:
Oral Treatment
Generally with antibiotics for cases of moderate and severe acne, the goal to reduce bacteria and treat inflammation. Topical treatment is usually combined with
Topical treatment acne treatment
For mild acne. Such as the use of a cream or lotion for acne. These drugs are usually dry up the oil, kill bacteria and help exfoliate dead skin cells. The active ingredient is usually a lotion benzoyl peroxide, sulfur, resorcinol, salicylic acid or lactic acid.
If the skin does not respond to severe cases using active ingredients such as Tretinoin (Avita, Retin-A, Renova) and adapalene (Differin) is derifat of vitamin A. It should be noted these drugs are given only skin specialists and dermatologists only.
For the case of deep acne cysts. This treatment requires close supervision by a dermatologist because of the possibility of side effects. This medication is also not recommended for women who are pregnant or may become pregnant during treatment.
Oral contraceptives
Usually containing a combination of norgestimate and ethinyl estradiol (Ortho-Cyclen, Ortho Tri-Cyclen). However, oral contraceptives contain side effects that need to be discussed with your doctor.
Laser and light therapy.
This therapy can reach the deeper layers of skin without harming the skin's surface. The way it works is destroying oil glands so that less oil production. This therapy can also improve skin texture and reducing the scarring or niche on the skin caused by acne.
Cosmetic Procedures
Such as chemical peels and microdermabrasi can help control acne. An additional treatment as combination also to reduce wrinkles and minor facial scars.
How to reduce acne scars?
Can be done in various ways depending on the case:
Use cream or serum that can help accelerate the process of skin cell turnover. For the case of acne scars are dark.
Use cream or serum that can help accelerate the process of skin cell turnover. For the case of acne scars are dark.
To issue or niche scarring acne scars can be done by:
- Soft tissue fillers. acne scars
- Dermabrasion
- microdermabrasion
- Treatment Laser, light and radiofrequency
- Cosmetic Surgery
How to prevent acne?
- If the acne is healed care is still needed to prevent acne. The following actions are in addition to preventing also performed for the treatment of acne:
- Cleaning of the skin while bathing and bedtime with a cleanser (lotion) in accordance accompanied by the use of a toner to remove any residual cleanser.
- Select the appropriate cosmetic products.
- Avoid cosmetics heavy and sticky
- Diligent cleaning blackheads
- Avoid fatty foods and spicy
- Enough drinking water, fruit and vegetable
- Avoid doing facial scrub if you're going on inflammatory acne.
Selection care products such as face cleanser, moisturizer or cosmetics What
should really fit. According to one person is not necessarily good for the
other. Observe each product when you first use. If the acne worse should
discontinue use. If repeated again gives the same effect you probably do not
correspond with the product. Change the product is more appropriate.
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If the skin is prone to
breakouts whenever possible choose products that have a non-comedogenic
criteria. For
a very very sensitive skin should choose products that are considered mild and
perfume free. Thank you for reading our article about What is acne and causes (how to remove acne scars naturally)
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