how to create a blog for
your business online with the wordpress platform?The use of the wordpress
blog platform used as a media business is now increasingly popular recently and
this type of site was chosen because it is relatively easy to how to make it.
With the study it through writing this, I'm sure you can get
creative and create a useful site as a media selling as well as representatives
of business, which is powerful in seo so able to dominate many keywords on
search engines like google and bing. Because it is associated
with effort, then the creation of the blog that I teach this requires domain TLD
(Top level domain) and platforms, so that the value of the
prestige and brand to be used more acceptable aesthetic side of society business
and professionalism.
Types Of Business Websites
Before I discuss how to
create blog WP business, it's good you recognize the media type that is widely
used by the people of Indonesia in particular. Internet
users who want to have a quality site, in general
- Website. Sites of this type are typically used by large companies that are already established that I noticed now begin rarely used as a medium for selling. If anything, the website used is the market place, so just mediakan meeting place for online businesses to customers. Pure types of websites is not good in terms of seo because it can not be updated regularly.
- Website Blog (weblog). This term is actually a blog but as used for business so her name is distinguished by the community of internet users. This is what we will discuss creation below.
- Social Media. Despite rampant fraud effort by using social media, but the number of businesses using the media of this type remain high. Instead I see, some artists prefer to use sosmed as the media marketing of its products. If you lay people who do not want to elaborate Affairs making blog or website, can only make use of social media accounts to sell. In accordance with the understanding of internet marketing, then the existence of the media of this type is very important in doing business. In principle, you have to have a high amount of friendship and was able to instill trust and brand image of the business which is managed. Among the artists are usually already has this requirement.
Choice Of Platform
In the create a blog that
will be used routinely to manage business via the internet,
then there are many platforms that you can choose. But I
limit who can only do custom domain. And the best option for
you is:
- Blogspot (google's). For seo is pretty good but has flaws because of the many settings manually should be done.
- WordPress. Blog with this platform is very powerful in terms of seo and easy conducted. And online businessman suggested making a site with because an option templates are very numerous and easily managed with a variety of tools named plugin. In the display provided (theme), as well as many wordpress blogs that look formal. But make sure you use that with extension [dot] org is not [dot] com .
- The Joomla Platform. Actually it looks as pretty good business website but because of the growth of the developers who create plugins and templates, jomla the longer the less users.
In addition to these three
platforms that I mentioned above, there are many different types of blogs that
you can create in an easy way, but there's that can not be done custom domain
and most are also less powerful in optimization. Some
well-known platforms including: Tumblr, Weebly, Webs and more.
The Process Of Making An Easy
Now is the time you follow
the how to create a business blog type site especially on the
platform. And the steps you have to do is:
- Select the domain and hosting. I've been writing down How to determine domain name which can not be done haphazardly linked to brand image that is embedded in the minds of the public. Best tips as in my previous tutorial is to choose a unique name and contains a keyword (not the right keyword).
- We recommend that you use
a good hosting. Do not use cheap price consideration solely
when purchasing a hosting package that
will be used for this online business. I make sure, select
quality. When your blog starts to have a good
performance (minimum 3 months) then the hosting of poor quality will be seen the
effect. Starting from often down to malware attacks
and hecker. Remember, it only takes place within three months after you make a blog,
- Please login to your cpanel and click the
wordpress program at the bottom of thecpanel to upload the script.
The next phase and appropriate image above
- A. click install.
- B. Select the protocols: http, https, http://www or https://www.,
- C. Select the name of the domain. The selection of domains that are already purchased and will be used for the blog to be created is by clicking the select button in step C in the picture.
- D. Empty column "in directory".
- E. specify the blog name (site name).
- F. specify a short description (site title).
- G. leave if you want to create a single site.
- H. Please enter your username to login.
- I. Please enter password to login.
- A. fill out the email address. It is recommended that you use gmail to be used to register your blog on google webmasters (now called search console).
- K. Select language. If your site's content language, Indonesia, should select the language because of the associated performance in local business searches on google.
- B. click install.
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Up at this stage, the
process happens to dry out A through L are in detail how to create a blog for
your business online with the wordpress platform. the next
step is filling it with page and post. Even for this post should
routinely done charging. And don't forget to
associate your site with google analytics, webmaster tools, and share in social
media each update new postings. It is strongly recommended
to make google business page for the sake of trust site visitors and easily
found on a google map. These steps are also highly recommended if
you want to try running a business opportunity when widths for
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