Writing this time can be regarded as a lucrative source of income. Writing in the newspaper or a magazine can make someone earn salaries ranging from Rp 50,000, - to Rp 1,500,000, - depending on the credibility of the media as well as the kind of writing. Because the opinion article, poem, or short story has different fees. Only to be published our article published in the media there are very strict criteria that are usually applied to media. Not to mention having to compete with writers who have had the name because it has been subscribed to be a contributor in the media. For a beginner, it's unlikely to be an immediate success send something to the media.
Then how do we get paid to write that activity but do not require very stringent requirements? Well, it never hurts to try to join the web directory concept of pay per post article. One type of online business lucrative. During this time the pay per post is dominated by foreign websites with the payment of dollars of course. Articles written also in English. Not a few who do not pay aka spam. How in Indonesia? in fact many have tried to implement a system of pay per post in
Indonesian's just not much that last long due to various causes.
Know a Web-Directory Artikelinternet.com
The concept of pay per post is that every article posted on the website in question will be paid in accordance with the website. Then, if it has reached a certain nominal amount, the writer could take for example the payment through bank transer. But preferably when choosing a website article directory concept of pay per post should choose really pay alias php. Already tired of writing, promise paid was not paid would make the confusion is not it?
Well, one of the websites that can be trusted because it really pays writings that we make is Artikelinternet.com. I know very well this website. Not just promotions but it is actually a fact. I happened once to join the website before named Artikelinternet.com. This website previously called spongeblog.net (check only in part about the website). Some of my writing has been published and I actually get paid from the text. Before any writing passes and posted valued USD 5000, -. Just write 10 articles alone could collect $ 50,000 - not bad for a reload :)
Of course the article is written in accordance with the theme of the article which is owned Artikelinternet.com which mostly consists of articles on the theme of education, business, travel, healthcare, film and blogging. Well, a lot of choice is not it? Just try to write each of the two later posted on the website, how much nominal can be obtained? And now every article to the category of contributors earn Rp 6,500, - Kan? Right? :)
The opportunity to earn more is also wide open. Because Artikelinternet.com apply a level where the author will get paid every level is different in each of his writings. To obtain a paper author the level of Rp 8,000, - per article. The highest paid in the level editor where each article priced at Rp 10,000, - Wow !!! The cook not interested? :) The writing quality is created and posted more frequent writing is certainly more wide open revenue is also growing.
Register Free in artikelinternet.com
If interested please register !! Toh free !! Live list and then enter the username that will be used to log in Artikelinternet.com and email accounts. Then open the email as a username and password that can be used to enter your account has been sent to the email. If no email inbox, please check the spam, sometimes stray over there :) more info check in http://artikelinternet.com/faq
Furthermore, please slid artikelinternet.com/wp-admin link and enter your username and password then you will go on the dashboard page. If you are already accustomed to the blog of wordpress must have been accustomed to using. Including how to post posts. If you can not, admin artikelinternet.com provide step by step instructions that are easy to follow. Do not forget before writing note also the provisions that are not written in vain. Provisions tend to be very easy. Writing is certainly work itself not copy and paste or plagiarism. Admin artikelinternet.com also recommends that the content can be followed in order to qualify article :)
Related Article : 10 sites that will pay you just by writing articles
So, Want Paid Just by Writing Articles? Just write in artikelinternet.com, certainly, easy and proven !!
note: this time artikelinternet.com had changed owners, most likely for example policy rates can be different for each article, for more details please contact them directly owner or admin, the above article was written when it was still owned by the owner of the old, this information may help: )
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