How to get rid of acne and acne scars fast and naturally
Acne (acne vulgaris, acne) is a skin irritation that occurs when oil and dead skin cells clog pores. Acne is the most common problems in the skin, which is characterized by the presence of blackheads, redness due to irritation, black stains, or red spots swelled to fester.
The intensity of acne can be different for each person, ranging from mild forms such as red spots or blackheads, until the severe form of the form of hundreds of spots and bumps reddened sore to the touch, which cover certain areas of the skin. Acne can occur on the face, neck, chest, back of the body, and / or wrist top.
Acne usually occurs in adolescence or during puberty. Acne attack on both types of gender, both men and women, although the acne that occurs in men is usually more severe and can last longer.
However, this skin problem does not only occur in adolescents, because acne can also occur in adults, and it can also occur in infants and young children.
The intensity of acne can be different for each person, ranging from mild forms such as red spots or blackheads, until the severe form of the form of hundreds of spots and bumps reddened sore to the touch, which cover certain areas of the skin. Acne can occur on the face, neck, chest, back of the body, and / or wrist top.
Acne usually occurs in adolescence or during puberty. Acne attack on both types of gender, both men and women, although the acne that occurs in men is usually more severe and can last longer.
However, this skin problem does not only occur in adolescents, because acne can also occur in adults, and it can also occur in infants and young children.
Types of Acne
Open comedones (blackheads)
Open comedones or more commonly known as blackheads are caused by clogged pores part or sweat glands produce excessive oil accumulation. Usually bacteria, dead skin cells and keratin often trapped in these pores. Sebum plugs substance or mixture undergoes oxidation as exposed to air and darkens.
Physical appearance is often marked with black or dark yellow bumps on the skin. Once issued, sebum clogging yellowish brown. Open comedones usually does not cause inflammation and, most commonly appears on the nose and buttocks.
Closed comedones (Whitehead)
Closed comedones caused by the blockage of the pores or sweat glands to the accumulation of excess oil, bacteria, dead skin cells and keratin. The composition of the mixture of substances stopper, same as open comedones. Because whiteheads do not have a gap, then a mixture of sebum is not exposed to air and oxidized. The color is still white, but sometimes yellowish.
Physical appearance is characterized as a small white bumps. Closed comedones, also usually not accompanied by inflammation. Whiteheads can appear anywhere on the skin.
Papules (lumps Red)
Papules have a characteristic red bumps, slightly inflamed, but does not have a peak because there are filled with pus. Blackheads are not treated can deteriorate into papules when the infected gland wall erupted, allowing a mix of sebum and bacteria penetrate the skin around it. When the white blood cells enter the gland that erupted against infection, inflammation. If left untreated, may worsen papules become pustules.
Pustules (red lumps With White Peak)
When the papules untreated for several days, the accumulation of white blood cells gradually moves to the skin surface. Pustules have characteristics have stains on the edges, reddish and inflamed middle part yellowish or white. Pustules actually are the standard of the term acne that many people mentioned.
Nodules and cysts
Acne to cause large lumps and cysts under the skin surface is more severe than the previous types. Inflammation common in this type of acne and also painful to the touch. Nodules and cysts are formed when an inflamed follicle erupts beneath the skin. A mixture of sebum due to inflammation around the follicle and then spread to the surrounding and infect pores in the vicinity.
Better not to squeeze and squeeze this stain due to improper care can lead to deeper and broader infection, also can cause prolonged skin inflammation and scarring are difficult to remove. If left untreated, acne nodules and cysts can form again in the same place. The skin should immediately see your doctor.
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Severe acne is very rare, but can cause serious scarring on the skin. Two common types of severe acne include:
Acne Conglobata
Acne Conglobata
Acne conglobata is more common in males than females at age 18-30 years. Physical appearance is often characterized by inflamed lumps, large, interlocking and remain active for years. Acne is most commonly found on the face, chest, back, buttocks, upper arms and thighs.
This condition usually begins with blackheads which aggravate become acne nodules and cysts. Nodules and cysts can then be continually broken and connected thus creating recurrent lesions. If left untreated, acne conglobata can cause skin damage that cannot be eliminated.
Acne fulminans
Acne fulminans is also known as acute ulcerative acne and acne conglobata occur if treatment is not successful. Affected individuals will experience pain and inflammation of the joints coupled with skin problems from acne conglobata. Swollen lymph nodes in the neck, extreme weight loss and muscle rigidity may occur.
At this point, it is important to seek medical treatment, it may even need your hospitalization. Acne fulminans is also regarded as a disease triggered by immune system disorders.
Causes of Acne
Acne is growing due to blockage of the pores of the skin. This is the result of various factors that ultimately lead to the development of acne. Someone with oily skin prone to acne, because the excess oil can easily be trapped in pores and cause blockages.
Acne prone skin also produces more dead skin cells than normal skin. If not handled properly, dead skin cells will stick to the skin and trapped in the pores, combined with oil and cause blackheads.
There are several factors that can cause acne, among others:
There are several factors that can cause acne, among others:
- Hormonal. Activity or hormonal changes in humans may lead to the development of acne, such as puberty and menstrual cycles.
- Genetic. The tendency of acne can occur in families.
- Psychology. Although still debatable, many experts believe that a person's psychological state (depression and stress) can affect the growth of acne.
- Infection. Propionibacteria bacterium acnes (P. Acne) is found in many acne prone skin. This bacterium is actually the normal bacteria found on the skin and is generally harmless. But if the skin pores enlarged and clogged by dead skin cells + oil, then these bacteria will trigger inflammation in the skin. Reduce the presence of bacteria is an important step in controlling and preventing acne.
How do I treat, manage and control acne?
Many methods are used to treat acne, depending on the type and severity of acne. For example, by using medications (benzoyl peroxide, antiseptic, antibiotic, Salicyl acid, etc.) and also by action or medical procedure (removal of blackheads, peels, microdermabrasion, phototherapy, corticosteroid injection, etc.).
Visit a dermatologist or a professional dermatologist to obtain information and the right prescription to deal with your acne problems.
Visit a dermatologist or a professional dermatologist to obtain information and the right prescription to deal with your acne problems.
How To Overcome Acne on Face
When you have acne that arise on the face, you do not need to worry because it's been a lot of research showing that natural materials can be used as a drug to treat acne. You can use some of the material below for treating your acne, namely:
Original honey
Honey has been long known as a nutritious ingredient for health and beauty. The trick is to smear honey on the face, leave on for approximately 15 minutes then rinse with clean water.
Cucumber has enough water content that can facilitate channel on facial pores. The trick is to slice some cucumber slices, then put on your face with acne.
Cucumber has enough water content that can facilitate channel on facial pores. The trick is to slice some cucumber slices, then put on your face with acne.
Lime can reduce the levels of excess oil on the face. Lime you can use to cure acne by rubbing lemon on your face before you want to sleep.
Lime can reduce the levels of excess oil on the face. Lime you can use to cure acne by rubbing lemon on your face before you want to sleep.
Routine cleaning the face
In addition to using natural materials, the basic principle that you have to do to treat acne is by regularly cleaning your face. By regularly cleaning your face will avoid impurities that accumulate on your face. Cleaning can be done by using a face soap facial cleanser that suits your skin type.
In addition to using natural materials, the basic principle that you have to do to treat acne is by regularly cleaning your face. By regularly cleaning your face will avoid impurities that accumulate on your face. Cleaning can be done by using a face soap facial cleanser that suits your skin type.
Face treatment
Besides using natural materials, it would not hurt if you also try to do a facial treatment at a dermatologist or beauty clinic. Because to get a clean face not only using natural ingredients, but sometimes also requires certain tools that can be used for facial cleaning you optimally.
Besides using natural materials, it would not hurt if you also try to do a facial treatment at a dermatologist or beauty clinic. Because to get a clean face not only using natural ingredients, but sometimes also requires certain tools that can be used for facial cleaning you optimally.
Tips to Avoid Acne
After you run a treatment for acne, there is also a good idea if you avoid some of the things that can cause acne on your face, such as:
- Choosing cosmetics that suit your skin type;
- Reduce sleep late;
- Reduce smoking,
- Avoid foods such as fried foods, chocolate, alcohol, coffee and nuts;
- Reduce the possibility of the risk of stress because stress will cause sufferers to consume fatty foods;
- Clean the screen of your mobile phone, because without you realize there are a lot of bacteria that sticks to your skin if you frequently call in a dirty condition of your phone screen.
Various existing acne treatment is different, but the overall type of acne is better sought out preventive so that does not happen to you.
10 Things to Avoid When Treating Acne
Products containing scrub
Avoid using Exfoliator contains scrub while acne. Such products will not help get rid of acne, but is accompanied with salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. Scrub it can eliminate the lipid in the outer layer of skin and cause irritation. As a result, the skin so it is difficult to tolerate medications and acne worse.
Excessive in clean face
Needless to also use a sponge or a brush to clean the face. Better, apply cleanser to the fingertips. Choose a cleanser that can balance the pH to reduce irritation. Use lukewarm water to clean the cleanser from the face completely since leaving residue can cause irritation. If so, pat your face with a clean towel. Wait 5 to 15 minutes before using acne medication.
Products containing oil
Products containing oil
Acne has often come to attack occurs when hormonal changes in the body that causes the oil glands to work more actively. In order not to worsen, avoid using skin care products, makeup and sunscreens containing oil. Use oil-free products (oil-free) or noncomedogenik. You can also wear makeup made from minerals such as Dimethicone, powdered silica, powdered titanium dioxide, powdered zinc oxide.
Squeeze pimples with a forcible
Squeeze pimples if done carelessly can make skin irritation and exacerbate acne. P. Acnes bacteria will get trapped in the pores and cause irritation. This method can even prolong the healing process and increase the risk of developing acne scars. The dermatologist advised to apply acne medicine right in the troubled area compared pressed by force..
Touching acne
Not only pressed by force, touching acne can cause irritation and exacerbate the condition. Bacteria found on the fingers and fingernails will increase the risk of the formation of new acne and cause scarring. You also do not need to cover pimples with a headband or other accessories because of embarrassment. Cover it can actually increase the body temperature that aggravate acne.
Using alcohol
Isopropyl alcohol or rubbing alcohol (rubbing alcohol) is often used to get rid of acne. Many people think alcohol can help remove excess oil and kill bacteria that cause acne. When used, rubbing alcohol does make the skin feel clean. However, these chemicals can damage the DNA in cells around the pore. These cells will die and if not cleaned, can clog pores, cause irritation and trigger new acne.
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Doing tanning
Darken the skin either by using a tanning bed or basking in the sun could have negative effects for the skin. Especially if you are using retinoids such as adapalene, tretinoin, or tazarotene for treating acne. These drugs dilating the outermost layer of skin so that the skin becomes more sensitive to UV rays of tanning beds or lamps. Tanning also increases the risk of melanoma and other skin cancers. Wear tanning beds before the age of 35 years and even increase the risk of melanoma by 75%.
Using the dirty phone
Dermatologist Mitchell Kline of New York-Presbyterian Medical Center, said that if put the phone on the cheeks can cause blockage of the oil in the pores. As a result, it is easier to form new pimples. Although some research shows if the skin has its own resistance against bacteria from cell phones, many dermatologists advise to use a headset or handsfree when called and diligently clean the phone.
Eating high glycemic indexed foods
There has not been proven for certain foods cause acne. However, high glycemic indexed foods such as white bread, white pasta, potato chips, cookies and cake are expected related to acne. Such foods can increase blood sugar levels quickly and the production of androgen hormones. Changes in these hormones are suspected to trigger acne.
Caring for stubborn acne itself
If you've tried to treat acne itself and there is no change, do not hesitate to ask for help from a dermatologist. The dermatologists are more familiar with the problem you are experiencing and have the most appropriate solution. Immediately consult a doctor to speed healing and minimize scarring.
Natural Ways to Treat Acne
Below are some steps to handle acne naturally:
Consumption of garlic
Garlic is able to resist a variety of harmful bacteria contained in the pores of the skin. Additionally, garlic also boosts the immune system in general, including the skin, thus preventing acne.
Exercise and adequate sleep
Various activities and the resulting stress on a daily basis can cause hormonal imbalance, which can eventually lead to acne. Read also: The effects of stress on skin health.
Regular exercise and good sleep time setting will help to balance the body's hormones, and therefore also helps in dealing with acne.
Regular exercise can treat and prevent acne problems naturally.
Morning sunshine
Exposure to sunlight can cure acne naturally. Not the scorching sun, but the sun in the morning. Skin needs sunlight, so that the cells remain healthy and active. Shine the skin and face with morning sunlight at least 10-15 minutes each day.
Rinse face with warm water

Warm water is very good for treating acne naturally. Acne can arise due to impurities contained in the pores of the face. Wash your face with warm water will open the pores of the skin for a while, and then follow with a special soap used to clean the face. Clean your face thoroughly. Afterwards, wash your face again with cold water so that the pores close again.
Cleanse toxins in the body naturally
Currently, various types of toxin or toxins can enter the body through a variety of ways, be it through a less healthy foods, pollution, and so forth. The toxin can stimulate the growth of acne. Therefore, detoksinasi can treat and prevent acne.
The natural way to cleanse the toxins in the body is by drinking enough water every day, and increase consumption of healthy foods, which contain lots of vegetables and fruits. Furthermore, the toxin will exit out through urine or sweat, and prevents the growth of acne.
By performing the steps above natural regularly, you can overcome the problem of acne and prevent acne reappeared.
How to get rid of acne scars fast naturally
Of course tips on how to remove acne scars naturally is better and faster than using chemical-based products. Although
there is acne scar removal products, but you must be observant and
clever in choosing the product because not a few products that are
illegal and dangerous. So no wonder if the way to remove acne scars is highly recommended to use a natural or herbal ingredients. In
addition, a healthy lifestyle is also one way that is very effective in
addressing a variety of diseases that can attack the body, either
inside or outside. For example, the skin is not clean, besides may cause black spots on
the face, can also cause acne pimples eventually appear and imprint the
greater and uncontrolled.Acne itself is a condition in which the skin pores clogged causing pus inflamed sac. There are so many causes of acne, one of the hormonal changes that stimulate oil glands. You should know that when you face acne should not push for such actions in fact can leave acne scars later. Well if you want to remove acne scars, here I give you a few ways to remove acne scars that you can try.1. TomatoesThe trick is to rub a tomato that has been sliced into areas of acne
scars, and in this way can remove stains were also tablets.2. Water lemonThe trick is to apply lemon juice to the area of acne scars and wait a while before cleaning with water. Lemon has a content that can brighten the skin and can remove dead skin cells.3. Cucumber juiceCucumber juice is a natural skin toner that can improve skin texture,
besides cucumber can also reduce inflammation, leaving the skin smooth
and heal acne scars.4. Egg whitesEgg whites can we get anywhere and is very effective to remove acne and scars. The trick is to apply egg white on the acne and wait until night.
5. Grated CornHow to use corn to remove acne scars namely the grate young corn and then apply on your face, wait for about 15-20 minutes then rinse your face thoroughly. For best results you can apply this way 2-3 times a week.6. TurmericTurmeric from the past until now known as a beauty ingredient. One is to reduce acne scars.7. Olive oilBesides, can make food tasty, olive oil can also remove acne scars. Apply gently to your face, especially in the parts contained acne scars.8. BengkoangThe water content in the yam can lift dead skin cells that can fade acne scars on the face.9. Aloe veraAloe vera is a powerful healer, including to remove acne scars. You do this simply by rubbing slime inside aloe vera to the skin regularly.10. HoneyHoney is a natural moisturizer. Honey mask also has long been believed to make your skin look more ajah be bright and shining.
5. Grated CornHow to use corn to remove acne scars namely the grate young corn and then apply on your face, wait for about 15-20 minutes then rinse your face thoroughly. For best results you can apply this way 2-3 times a week.6. TurmericTurmeric from the past until now known as a beauty ingredient. One is to reduce acne scars.7. Olive oilBesides, can make food tasty, olive oil can also remove acne scars. Apply gently to your face, especially in the parts contained acne scars.8. BengkoangThe water content in the yam can lift dead skin cells that can fade acne scars on the face.9. Aloe veraAloe vera is a powerful healer, including to remove acne scars. You do this simply by rubbing slime inside aloe vera to the skin regularly.10. HoneyHoney is a natural moisturizer. Honey mask also has long been believed to make your skin look more ajah be bright and shining.
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