Definition And How to SEO Optimization (On-page and Of-page) On your blog or website

Definition And How to SEO Optimization (On-page and Of-page) On your blog or website

Definition And How to SEO Optimization (On-page and Of-page). After creating a blog we post an articles unique but still it never appears on the first page of google, SEO is concerned with the results of the search specific keywords in articles or content of our blog, or can be said is very influential on the position of our blog on search engines ,

SEO is an abbreviation of [Search Engine Optimization] in Indonesiian which means Search Engine Optimization, SEO is used for what?? Of said above it is clear to optimize a blog or website in a search engine [engines] so that the site we are on the first page [Page One] in all the search engines [engines] with [keyword] were on target.
SEO is divided into two parts, namely SEO On page and Off page SEO

On-page SEO

Onpage SEO this is an attempt to optimize your blog or website from the blog, the blog admin sometimes do not care about On-page SEO, but is highly influential to the blog so that visitors return again to visit our website or blog.
On-page SEO are:
Optimizing a website or blog to create unique content or articles that do not copy and paste course
  • Placing the correct meta tags
  • Placing Tag h1, h2, h3 correctly
  • Search for the keyword [keyword] relevant to the category of the blog
  • Setting Tag robots.txt does not block the page Articles
  • Optimizing blog template

Off-page SEO

SEO offpage an attempt to optimize a website or blog from outside the blog site itself, or can call promoting the site or blog, for example, we first sale but no buyers, now that there are buyers we have to promote our merchandise in order have customers, as well as a blog or a site needs to be promoted so that the visit by the visitor,.

Off-page SEO are:
  • Create backlinks using anchor text
  • Submit articles to the site Social Bookmarks
  • Submit a link to the blog directory

In the above explanation SEO On-page and Off-page SEO is as important to a blog, on-page SEO to make visitors return again to visit our website or blog, while SEO-Offpage to popularize your site or blog.

SEO Techniques and Methods

After discussing the part of SEO now I will discuss about SEO Techniques and Methods, techniques and methods of SEO are divided into two techniques: white hat SEO and BlackHat SEO

seo for websites or blogs 

White Hat SEO

SEO methods using techniques that follow the guidelines of search engines to practice properly, this technique to obtain the results of a long and requires patience, using white hat SEO we will obtain excellent results if there is at page one or the first page of search engines will long-lasting.

Examples of methods of White Hat SEO
  • Following the guidelines of search engines [search engines]
  • In accordance with the guidelines of the machine-finding [the search engines]
  • Using the appropriate template structure
  • Create articles that are relevant to the blog category
  • Ensuring the quality of your blog or website
  • Ensure that useful content to visitors or visitors
  • Do not manipulate the content of the article is not in accordance with the article title
  • Etc

Black Hat SEO

Metode SEO is strongly opposed to the method of White Hat SEO, this technique is not recommended because it is too aggressive and ignore search engine guidelines [search engines] and less sportive, unlike the methods white hat black hat techniques of SEO will obtain quick results raise the position in the search engine [search engines], well, if quickly raise the position of the black hat method is also very quick to lose his position back ,, unlike white hat methods which will last a long time maintain its position, the method of Black Hat SEO.

Examples of Black Hat SEO methods
  • Ignoring the guidelines of the search engine [search engines]
  • Using keywords [keywords] that is not in accordance with the content of your blog or website
  • Repeating keywords [keyword] in the meta tag
  • Adding the number of keywords on a page [page] blog
  • Creating Content sidikit containing the keyword phrases similar to many
  • Create a site mirror or duplicate the content exactly the same as a different url
  • Copying whole pages from a quality site and edit them [Copy Paste]
  • Using Link farming on a page
  • Promoting your blog or website with comment spam [comment spam]

How to SEO On-Page Optimization

How to seo blogs or websites

SEO On-page is very influential to our blog, before making a blog we should know in advance what is SEO and the importance of SEO for blogs, because of SEO is very important for blogs and even very influential on search engines to facilitate the retrieval of the data structure of our blog. If the data retrieval faster then the url in all the pages of our blog can be taken very quickly as well ,.

On-page SEO for Blog

Some of the things we must do to optimize SEO On-page of the blog template [title, meta tags, tag h1-6] from the blog post [Anchor-text, ALT, keywords, content of the article] and navigation blog [Widget, navbar, menu nav] from the definition above we must be extra optimize our blog page.

Optimizing SEO On-page of the blog template

Title or titles on a blog, try to make the title of a blog using keywords if you want to add Point SEO Onpage for your blog, use two or three words do not use the title or headline on the blog is too short, as an example here you will sell drugs then the title of the blog use drugs export low-quality or cheaper drugs, the title of this blog also gives the value of the SERP [Search Engine Rank Page].

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Meta tags, use meta tags in your blog, in fact very much a meta tag for a blog we do not need to add that in a sense everything is quite important, such as the keyword meta tag, meta tag verification blogs, meta tag author and others. The most influential in On-page SEO point is the meta tag description and meta tag description tag keyword.meta [description] This will appear on Google search or search engine [search engines] others.

Placement Tag H1, H2, and H3, make sure your blog template to put the tag h1-h3 in the correct position, the tag h1-h3 have different functions on the data structure our blog, not to put the h1 tag in the comment section or on the menu navigation .. in order to more clearly note the explanation below
H1 tags are used for the title of the blog on the home page [homepage] and on article pages H1 tag is in the title of the article.
H2 tags are used for the title of the article on the home page [homepage] and on article pages H1 tags are located on the title Blog
H3 tags in use for all titles widget
Be sure that each page has only 1 Tag Tag H1 = H2 = Max 8 Tag H3 = Unlimited.

Optimizing SEO On-page On Blog Posts

Anchor-Text, Use Anchor-text in the article related to the other article, this way to clarify the reader [readers] to understand of all articles read. if no related not in force slipped anchor-text to the blog, even better if you add anchor-text of wiki pedia site.

Alt In Figure [image], this is trivial but highly influential blog, be sure to always provide alt image on the image that we publish, and make sure we have to compress the image so that loading blog is not slow because it takes the image data. actually this way to optimize your blog on google image.

Keywords, try to use a minimum of 20 keywords derived from the title of the article that we post, because it can help maintain the position of the SERP.

Fill the article, this is the most important in the article, make the article interesting and unique use of the word and your style, do not copy and paste if you do not want to lose your blog as reported by the owner of the article. in order to get the best position on the first page of google we at least have to write 1500-2000 words per article, if you want to get a position in the first page of google try to add a word on the contents of the article by using the example of the 4000 words or more, because the search engines [search Engine] considers article we have many resources.

Optimizing SEO-Onpage on Navigation Blog

Widgets, widget important Post-importance, like Popular Posts [Popular Post], Label, Social Media.

Navigation menus, make menu navigation easier for visitors to search for [visitors] blog.

To optimize SEO On-page actually so is a lot and maybe the explanation above is only a small part to optimize the blog of seo on-page as I know, SEO on-page can also help improve the position of SERP if your blog is lacking in SEO Off-page.

How to SEO Off-Page Optimization

Off-page SEO is very influential to the SERP blog, if you want to position the first page of search engines [engine] then you have to promote your site to other sites by storing or comment link active on the site.

Many SEO experts who assess Offpage SEO is more influential than SEO On-page, if the percentage 70% Off-page SEO and 30% for On-page SEO. Well of course if we are to optimize SEO On-page in our blog articles but do not appear on the first page [page one] google, it's because we lost in SEO Off-page, For Optimization SEO Offpage not easy need patience to get the results satisfactory, yes because all the pleasures have to struggle ..

Offpage SEO Optimization is a way to build backlinks, or links that lead to our blog, to create backlinks is not arbitrary need strategies to build strong backlinks, to be able to maintain the position, but here I am not going to discuss about strategies to create backlinks ,.

Distribute blog posts to social media sites, Google Plus is social media that is able to lift the position of the article of your blog on the first page of google, if already publish articles do not forget to share it through google plus, can also to social media such as Facbook twitter and others, ,

Social Bookmark, this site helped popularize our blog, social bookmarking sites is in fact very often used to screen visitors [visitors] from social bookmarking proficiency level, not a few bloggers used this way after they post a new article. Examples of social bookmarking sites such as;, reddit, popularize, Stumbleupon, delicius, digg, and others.

Articles the Directory, to filter visitors of your blog through article directories, how it works here you simply submit article you except make backlink sites crate may also increase link popularity for your blog, the more articles in the Constitution of the site is getting better also link popularity to our blog, and certainly visitors will continue to flock to our blog. Examples of article directory sites

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Web Directories, how most effectively to get visitors from WEBDIR, other than that we get backlinks as well, WEBDIR helps to popularize your blog, not a blog that had been his usual course once registered in WEBDIR most famous of DMOZ become a very popular blog, example ,, these web directories such as DMOZ

Forum, so that our site popular often playfully to the forum and create a thread if anyone wanted to ask or do not understand the world of blogging, here to make our backlink insert a link in forum signature that leads to our blog, and multiply reply to threads of others that signature we are also a lot in the show, for example we select the forum from Indonesia ,, many pro blogger in the forum, if anyone is in check do not hesitate to make a thread ,. just do not make spam ..

Never make a backlink spam from blog commenting because it can be fatal to your blog, it could be the blog admin report ente blog to google .. play neat to build backlinks ,, keep your comments relevant to the content of the article ..

Thus the discussion this time if there were not understood or who want added please comment. I hope this article useful. Thank you for reading our article about Definition And How to SEO Optimization (On-page and Of-page) On your blog or website.

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